Quebec's legal system was established when New France was founded in 1663. In 1664, Louis XIV decreed in the charter creating the French East India Company that French colonial law would be primarily based on the Custom of Paris, which was the variant of civil law in force in the Paris region. Civil Code of Québec. The Civil Code purported to codify, upon the model of the French Civil Code, the existing private law, both civil and commer-3. Model pleadings and other documents established by the Minister of Justice pursuant to articles 136, 146, 235, 271, 393, 546 and 681 of the Code of Civil Procedure C-25.01, r. 3 : Regulation respecting the taking of witnesses’ depositions in civil matters C-25.01, r. 4 : Rules of Practice of the Superior Court of Québec in Civil Matters • Advantages: It confers on the creditor the right to follow the property into whosever hands it may be (article 2660 . The employee is bound not only to perform his work with prudence and diligence, but also to act faithfully and honestly and not use any confidential information he obtains in the performance or in the course of his work. Tariff of duties respecting the acts of civil status and change of name or of designation of sex CCQ, r. 11 : Regulation respecting the keeping and publication of the register of civil status P-34.1, r. 2 : Regulation respecting the adoption without a certified body of a child domiciled outside Québec by a person domiciled in Québec 2014, c. 1, a. 2088. The Civil Code of Quebec came into force on 1 August 1866, eleven months before the British North American Colonies united to form a Federal State under the provisions of the British North Amer-ica Act. The Civil Code comprises a body of rules which, in all matters within the letter, spirit or object of its The Civil Code of Québec, in harmony with the Charter of human rights and freedoms (chapter C-12) and the general principles of law, governs persons, relations between persons, and property. Civil Code of Quebec (“C.C.Q.”)). 8. CIVIL CODE OF QUÉBEC BOOK FIVE OBLIGATIONS […] TITLE TWO NOMINATE CONTRACTS […] CHAPTER XVIII ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS 2638. This Code establishes the principles of civil justice and, together with the Civil Code and in harmony with the Charter of human rights and freedoms ... the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court of Canada have jurisdiction in some civil matters in Québec, as provided for in the Acts of the Parliament of Canada. The Québec notion of force majeure is unique as compared to the common law provinces in that it is set out in various laws and regulations, including the Civil Code of Québec (CCQ) governing all private relations. Force majeure as a defense in Québec civil law. 1991, c. 64, s. 2638. Historical Development. Hypothecs (Québec) • Hypothecs (Québec) • A hypothec is a real right on a movable or immovable property made liable for the performance of an obligation. 2639. In addition to any other waiver, renunciation, or derogation which may be set forth or implied elsewhere in the Lease, Tenant waives and renounces any right which it may have or any benefit which may avail in its favour pursuant to Articles 1859, 1861 and 1863 of the Civil Code of Québec. The Civil Code of Québec, in harmony with the Charter of human rights and freedoms (chapter C-12) and the general principles of law, governs persons, relations between persons, and property. An arbitration agreement is a contract by which the parties undertake to submit a present or future dispute to the decision of one or more arbitrators, to the exclusion of the courts.