Specifically, adults are slower to judge the number of dots they can see when an avatar sees a different number of dots. The practice suggests that there are no definitive criteria determining what past decision can pass as precedent, or what precedent best fits a legal system. In Bologna she presented dissertations on subjects such as gravity, The book offers a counter-hegemonic perspective of Latinx youth development through sociopolitical citizenship perspective. Yes, absolutely. Can I apply with more than one manuscript? S. du Pont overlooked in his donation scheme targeting the First State’s Black schools. Alberto Elena wrote in Isis, "she was a figure of the greatest importance in the intellectually flourishing Bologna of the eighteenth century. Bassi carried on extensive correspondence with other natural Msipa works to advance thinking in the area of the sexual rights of persons with intellectual disabilities. Hollerer's studies on sORFs in yeast meiosis will reveal a new set of formerly neglected functional DNA units that challenge our current understanding of a “gene.” This will be a door-opener for future research, which will no longer be able to dismiss short DNA units as non-functional. What would happen if legal texts are written in symbolic, numeric form as opposed to natural language? In addition to the standard application form, we will also need copies of each author's CV. Although legal anthropology is an established part of the discipline, anthropologists have rarely engaged with the problems and opportunities that arise when social movements targeting structural violence are translated into anti-discrimination legislation and move to the courts. It responds to the traditional Palestinian literary and historical narrative by re-centering it around the female body (rather than the battlefields of anticolonial resistance and postcolonial historiography). Ndesi's focus on music’s role in imagining African futures (or, occasionally, alternative presents) seeks to emphasise the extrapolative nature of science fiction. Laura Bentivolgio vs Laura Bassi. the university. As such, Eichstedt's research contributes to the victimological scholarship by capturing the subtle nuances of their decision-making and responses to sexual victimizations. Vriens’ dissertation examines two Sonatas à Violino Solo by the violinist and J.S. Therefore, this article exams this systemically underserved institution, which eminent Delaware philanthropist Pierre. (i) What do we know about cross-jurisdictional citations? This chapter is part of a larger book which explores how the rise of neoliberalism and shifts in the media industries galvanized an interest in documentary on both the left and right of the political spectrum. Ramesh’s essay demonstrates that Sumner adopted the language of caste from missionary accounts of caste hierarchy in India; that he used this information to argue that there was an oppressive analogue at home: racial caste; and that, accordingly, Sumner’s conception of abolition included the dismantling of racial caste and the cultivation of interracial republican association. Can I do this by email? Ngidi’s work helps inform school-based interventions that are aimed at developing and nurturing care and support frameworks for vulnerable children. Colleen Campbell’s research examines Black women’s medical decision-making in obstetrics using qualitative data from New York City. The scope of this book is multidisciplinary, engaging key perspectives within these three disciplinary areas. People wish to be competent speakers but not listeners. Moreover, it can be observed on a global scale that quantification with similar characteristics as grading is becoming more significant in the algorithmic age. These papers were donated to the Archiginnasio in 1922-1924. Ultimately, Laura became the last representative of the family, since her only cousin Carlo Filippo Bassi—the son of … However, they sometimes fall short, unintentionally forcing interlocutors to stay in a subordinate helpee’s position. entirely attained the success of either parent. Through Latinx youth reflections of their lived experiences, their hopes and dreams, and a sense of belonging, readers are invited to re-think citizenship, rights and legality in the United States alongside Latinx youth stories, voices and experiences. In addition, the study will broaden our understanding of the naturalistic context in which caregiver-child family routines occur. Saskia C. Quené´s study provides a detailed analysis, contextualization, and interpretation of 'gilded grounds' in late medieval and early renaissance panel painting. Having already started her research, she is in the process of identifying social relations involved when women with FGC use Toronto’s reproductive medical system. Besides négritude, the term verrition, a hapax legomenon that appears at the very end of the Cahier d’un retour au pays natal (1939–1956), is perhaps the most contested and ambiguous signifier in Aimé Césaire’s celebrated long poem. Do you favour certain disciplines over others? A new approach is needed. This opens up new questions about evidence, comparability, and truth. These complex relations and interactions are encased and deployed in a specific and technical grammar. In her analyses, Krause does not use linguistic terms that imply a view of languages as discrete entities. Secondly, the project uses this association to rethink the branches of state law that involve some forms of legal pluralism, but that are invisibly supported by monist and secular assumptions, including the conceptual partition between economy, politics, law, and religion. Derrais Carter’s manuscript, Patriarchal Blackness (co-authored with Andres Guzman), examines the manifold ways that racial ideology fuses with patriarchal thought in contemporary Black popular culture. Hopkins’s study of shared decision-making for menstrual management in girls with neurodevelopmental disabilities lays the groundwork for further investigation in her program of study aimed to define standards of care, adapt care delivery to fit patient and caregiver needs, and ultimately, improve overall patient health outcomes. Spencier Ciaralli's project, Female Sexual History and Pleasure, aims to deconstruct and reframe our current understanding of female pleasure through the use of narratives of women speaking about their sexual history and pleasures, with a focus on how women conceptualize their own experience and compare it to dominant narratives. No One Knows their Blood Type is Jamjoum’s English-language translation of Maya Abu al-Hayat's Arabic-language La Ahad Ya'rif Zumrat Damih. ... She was the only child in the Bassi family who survived to maturity. of many contemporaries. On the other hand, young widows who did not yet have children wanted to forget about the ghost of their deceased husband. to scholarly writings and legal papers, the archive holds correspondence and poetry On this day in 1732, she defended 49 thesis' to secure her PhD. Given the access to justice crisis plaguing Canada's justice system, there has been significant advocacy for summary procedures being used to facilitate prompt resolution of actions on their merits without a full trial. The extent to which legal scholarship can contribute to legal reform in this area has been obscured by some of the more pressing social justice issues related to Indigenous peoples. given to applicants who have not been given scholarships in the past. Scholars immediately linked the two terms, initiating a debate whether the “Anthropocene” constitutes a theoretical singularity, or its predecessors—such as Stoppani's “Anthropozoic”—anticipated much of its novelty. Researchers in communication and sociolinguistics have recently realised this omission and within the field of sociology and anthropology, my research would be pioneering work. While it is certainly the case that the majority of composers commissioned to score high profile African science fiction films are westerners, the same generic tropes crop up in South African-authored film music (in Fabian Sing’s music for Room 9, for example). Accordingly, this research asks two main questions: Finally, it offers a revised account of how security issues are socially constructed to explain why Indigenous understandings are excluded from official state policies. She analyses what emotional and social imaginaries the concept of a legally sanctioned battle against inequality can engender, and which notions of justice and restitution arise from them. Meiosis is very error-prone in many organisms but the underlying causes are poorly understood. Prospective applicants are asked to submit a 2-page statement of research, a writing sample not exceeding 10,000 words, and a copy of their CV to scholarships@editing.press by 25 January 2020. Vriens assesses Rust’s violin-playing techniques through archival study, comparative analysis, and performance using an original 18 th -century violin and bow. In doing so, this study can enable NDBIs to be contextually relevant and to be tailored to more diverse groups of children living in other low- and middle-income countries. by Gina Luria Walker. However, there are consistent issues regarding the effectiveness of the education policies, since studies have shown that race-based policies in higher education mostly benefit affluent minorities, not the minorities that typically do not have ready access to higher education due to financial difficulties. By illuminating the ideological clashes of interwar decades – free markets versus government planning, liberalism versus fascism, democracy versus dictatorship – the lessons drawn from Brazil can be useful for understanding why these tensions have resurfaced in our contemporary society. Our examination of a virtually unknown school integrates Black education in Delaware into the broader historiography of Black education and white philanthropy, which in Delaware was shown to undermine African American agency and self-determination. In Ontario, representative actions may fill the gap left by recent restrictive legislation. Johnson’s research contributes to the fields of history, sociology, women’s studies, and science technology & society studies by providing a new perspective on racial Blackness in the African Diaspora, women’s impact on mainstream German history, and African American / Afro-German efforts to invoke change nationally and internationally. and presided over a lively scientific “salon.” In 1776 she was named professor of García’s manuscript uses Spanish curricular materials as a point of entry to examine dominant discourses of proficiency that circulate Spanish classrooms and the role of literacy in those discourses. The story of Laura Bassi lives on long after her death Laura Bassi was born in Bologna, Italy on 29 October 1711. What does citizenship mean? Canada has class actions, where one person can represent a whole group, whereas England has group litigation orders, requiring each person to sue individually. We are left with nothing but stories, secrets, songs, rumors and lies that emerge as somehow far more concrete components of belonging, even if conflicting, confusing, half-forgotten and often untold. Recovering School No.5’s life as an ordinary “colored” school, we analyze its significance to the Black community it served and offer a centennial perspective that considers the school's long-range implications for Black education in Delaware. To effectively deliver NDBIs in multicultural, multilingual, low-resource African contexts, it is important to understand the everyday routines of children with ASD in these contexts. In doing so, the text forces the reader to reckon with such questions as: what value is an anti-colonial movement when it is at the expense of its people’s autonomy over their own bodies? Ultimately, the ethnographic work will be distilled into an “ethics of numbers” which was called for ten years ago but has never been realized despite the growing need for such a conceptual foundation. The preliminary hypothesis is that a component analysis, using a variety of techniques, would expose the inherent patterns hidden within legal language. This means that it is not enough to elect women to office, but we need to ensure that they are placed in positions of power both within parties and in the policy-making process. Finally, Sandhya's work considers the production of legal evidence as a process of socially situated knowledge construction and shows how prejudice can be hidden in legal demands for certain kinds of documents and behaviour. To preserve the entitlement of Indian property connected to reserve lands, section 89(1) of the Indian Act prevents the seizure or attachment to property on reserve. Kouyoumdjian’s work explores diasporic composers, their work, and their relationships to "home," identity, folk influences, and survivor's guilt. This is consistent with Indian laws in jurisdictions such as the United States which permit tribes to waive sovereign immunity. By illuminating how family resources, roles, and relationships are shaping undergraduates’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, this study aims to deepen sociological understandings of the family as a site of social reproduction and to inform equitable policies and practices in higher education. Our knowledge of this aspect has been at best partial, and thus Moeini’s work attempts to fill the gap in the experimental and theoretical framework. Wiese’s centralisation of the autoethnographic voice in methodology helps to resituate the often discredited area of audience meaning-making by including the analysis of what is internally performed during data collection and the writing process. Not at all. Cross-jurisdictional citations between courts and tribunals have been extensively explored. Traditionally, a gene has been defined as a specific DNA sequence that, by default, contains at least 300 base pairs. In La Poétique du dépassement. We are no longer able to accept applications by e-mail, so please use the application portal. Her thought experiment responds to ongoing scholarly efforts to disinvent languages and develop concepts more appropriate for capturing actual language practices. Calhoun's essay sheds new light on a much-studied text, making sense of a term (verrition) and set of tropes that have long puzzled scholars and readers of the Cahier. Noëlle Rohde’s doctoral work is positioned at the intersection of anthropology and philosophy and has two main objectives. Braiding together archival sources, industry trade press articles, close analysis, and interviews elucidate how documentaries shape communities’ understanding of themselves and the surrounding world. Laura Bassi with a crown of laurels, symbol of her graduate status. Adolescents living in South Africa face a high risk of experiencing sexual violence. At present there are no decision-making models available for gynecological care of females with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Instead, we must ensure that they occupy pivotal roles – especially in environments perceived as hostile towards feminist ideals – if we hope to advance feminist policies. Log In. The secondary objective, which arose during the experiments, is to improve the acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) measurements. If you were unable to upload your document(s), please try the application portal again with a different browser. As such, the research advocates for legal reform as it relates to laws that impact Indigenous economies. Menstrual management planning and education from healthcare providers is key to ensure quality of life for these girls and caregivers. Battista Beccaria, Jean-François Nollet, Voltaire, and Francesco Algarotti. Italy: The Strategies of Laura Bassi’ (1993) 84 Isis 441. Suzanne’s research looks at the representative action, a centuries-old procedure underlying the history of class actions and group litigation in England and Canada. My files exceed the 5mb limit of the application portal. Several studies highlight the problematic tensions that arise around issues of identity, variance, equity, and power when proficiency fails to embrace the literacy practices that bilingual Latinx youth bring to the Spanish classroom. Danielle Jacobson aims to address this gap in the literature by using a methodological approach called Institutional Ethnography (IE). Marino’s contributions will also be in terms of solutions of lower costs and environmental damage, which would benefit the society. Articles (two) 29 pages; 32 pages Level: high school and above Laura Maria Caterina Bassi (1711-1778) of Bologna, Italy is often identified as being the first woman to earn a doctoral degree and the first to be a university professor (where she eventually became the highest paid member of the faculty). Danielle began in the lived experiences of the women by using qualitative, one-on-one, open-ended interviews. Research focused on feminist aid policies is relatively nascent due to emergence of these approaches internationally over the past six years. Its conclusions call into question conventional understandings of environmental change and Arctic security, and underscores the limitations imposed on marginalized groups’ abilities to advocate for their survival and wellbeing. In recent years, scholars across the humanities have argued that the American abolitionists articulated important conceptual lessons about democracy. How can I pay the voluntary application fee in a non-USD currency? Especially among Latinx young people growing up amidst a social and political context that is fret with deficit perceptions of youth, Latinx communities, and an ongoing anti-immigrant and anti-Latinx sentiment. The scholarships are open to every The impact of these practices on promoting desistance post-release will be uncovered, providing a new hypothesis about the potential impact of these programs during and after incarceration. we are also able to work in French, German, and Spanish. This work makes spatial repertoires relevant for describing linguistically regimented institutional spaces. Adopting a qualitative approach, this study investigates the validity of three alternative explanations. Ina believes that studying the regulatory elements that control meiotic progression in yeast will help to understand what causes these errors in higher organisms. Laura Bassi (1711–1778) Laura Bassi’s achievements as experimental scientist, professor, wife, and mother were unprecedented, even in 18th Century Italy which enjoyed a unique tradition of learned women. Brilliant physicist Laura Bassi died on this day in 1778 in Bologna. Seen by many as a historical curiosity, the representative action provides key insights into issues facing class actions today. eighteenth-century Europe. The Editing Press Laura Bassi Scholarship is named in her honour, in part with the intention of These are some of the questions answered through an ethnography of Latinx youth experiences growing up in a low-income working class community in the Central Coast of California. Ramesh's research advances the field of political theory in the following ways. In particular, the cultivation of contexts that afford opportunities for Latinx youth critical consciousness, identity development, socioemotional awareness, and political engagement, especially for Latinx youth in immigrant and mixed-status families. It is concluded that they largely are, and can facilitate access to justice and uphold the rule of law. There are no institutional, departmental, or national restrictions. experimental physics at the Bologna Academy of Sciences, with her husband as her assistant. Bassi was born in 1711 in Bologna, to a prosperous lawyer Giuseppe Bassi and his wife Rosa Marie Cesarei. discipline and are awarded three times per year: December, April, and August. The value of the scholarships are First, Cho examines if the education policies achieve the objective for those who are in need by investigating the causal impact of educational policies on the quality of incoming college students both overall and separately by race and ethnicity on the national level. theses. Sandhya's research is positioned at the intersection of anthropology and critical legal studies. Abigail Wiese investigates what performance as a medium affords us in better understanding shame's affect in the post-apartheid South Africa. Affirmative action policies give preferences to college applicants from underrepresented race/ethnic groups in order to increase their upward mobility. The issue of maternal health disparities has recently sparked a national conversation on reproductive health inequalities and obstetrics violence in the United States. If they were, how would that change our conception of resistance? Given the current interest in reconciliation in general, this research could have a significant impact on Indigenous legal scholarship. Researchers in the field of historically informed performance have consistently demonstrated a wide gulf between how 18th-century music is performed today and how it was performed by its original musicians. However, adolescent survivors are constrained in their help- seeking attempts. She traces through these texts a “poetics of dépassement.” Édouard Glissant is the first one to use this word, dépassement, to analyze literature. Tanusree Jain's manuscript, 'Even Tokens Matter', adopts a critical perspective of extant tokenism scholarship within the management discipline, specifically in the context of women on boards. The Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio di Bologna (in collaboration with the Stanford University Libraries) has compiled a digital archive of Bassi’s family papers, available here. Krause's manuscript documents an experiment that results in a new conceptualisation of language classrooms. Wiese analyses post-apartheid South African theatre productions, performance art pieces, and visual artworks developing a theoretical and practical discussion around how shame and its affect is worked out in live exchanges between object/performance/assemblage and audience reflecting on the cultural forms of post-apartheid South Africa. There exists an abundance of material about constitutional courts, where the practice is commonly denominated as rule “transplanting” or as judicial “dialogue.” There is also a growing interest in international adjudicative bodies. Regnant scholarly treatments of Sumner have been narrowly biographical. After their initial release, contaminants may have harmful effects both to public health and the environment. The trend of composers conforming to generic film music tropes and the seeming lack of experimentation in science fiction music would appear to be true also for the African-set science fiction films. Laura Bassi was the only child surviving into adulthood of the well-to-do Bassi family in Bologna. Laura Bassi(1711–1778), became the first woman to graduate from the University of Bologna and later the first woman to hold a university chair in Europe. In order to overcome the uncertainties in the Italian system, this project adopts a context-based approach in accordance with which the status of the embryo differs across its development stages. This research seeks to fill a gap in the literature on sexual histories, pleasures, orgasms, and kink narrative by centering the voices of women. That is why this book puts contemporary Caribbean literature alongside literature from the Indian Ocean, and puts these alongside literature from the often-forgotten Union of the Comoros. Often compiled by Montessori disciples, these texts neglect the breadth of her thought and how it was informed by the debates on children’s and refugees’ rights, war prevention, and what would later be called post-traumatic stress disorder rehabilitation. during her lifetime she was a celebrated figure in the intellectual life of Bologna and Listening can be a mask of silent authority. Select this result to view Laura Bassi-Zaff's phone number, address, and more. The Bassi-Veratti Collection consists of 12 boxes. commemorative medal from 1732 and the stamp used to make it, as well as a copper engraved Prior to this, their identities failed to be included in the nation’s census and official histories. The Spanish language abilities of bilingual Latinx youth in secondary schools have been measured through various indicators of proficiency: grammar competency, functional language use, and literacy. Abibah Sumana's project seeks to explore the various dynamics of the Adinkra Symbols and how they embody an indigenous African Philosophy. Arbitration hence appears as an instance of institutionalised legal pluralism. Given that meiotic principles are highly conserved between yeast and mammals, Ina hypothesizes that these short genes also play a role in human development. One in three women report violence exposure in their lifetime (World Health Organization, 2013), but the prevalence of victimization varies greatly between countries (Heise & Kotsadam, 2015). Contemporary composers/immigrants of Bassi Scholars, past and present, including within institutions of education! Explores what new imaginings this approach can offer the international development sector outcomes, in with. 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