Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge Confirmed For Switch, New Trailer, Inspired by the Turtles’ iconic 1987 design, Nintendo Indie World Showcase To Air Tomorrow, 14th April, Mini Review Kingdom of Arcadia - A Pleasant Little Not-Quite-Metroidvania, Mini Review Future Aero Racing S Ultra - Clever Ideas, But FAR From A New F-Zero, Review Stitchy in Tooki Trouble - Pretty But Painfully Average DKC-Inspired Platforming, Review FEZ - A Mind And World-Bending Puzzle Platformer That Deserves A Second Look, Review Godstrike - A Frustrating Time Mechanic Scuppers This Twin Stick Shooter, Feature: Best Nintendo Switch Couch Co-Op Games. Ignorance is strength. Of course you can make decisions and I think most of us have the choice to do 'the right thing' and live at least a reasonable life. You are Carl, the manager of a crumbling apartment block in some grey European city. I try to upload once to twice a week. The monochrome graphics, raw language, and violence frame Beholder 2 as one of the most entertaining yet oppressive adventure games in a while. @MischiefMaker So there is no free will, if the way to survive is already defined. His last game, obra dinn is also weird and fantastic!! Beholder: Complete Edition (Nintendo Switch) Review By Drew Hurley 10.01.2019 Beholder offers a glimpse into the potential future should the tabloids be believed, what … Scoring PolicyReview copy provided by Curve Digital. Beholder: Complete Edition (Switch) Review. Enjoy this beholder review ? REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Microsoft Xbox One code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Beholder 2 review. We soon found ourselves dying at the hands of one of our tenants, and judging by the brutally abrupt concluding scene, the rest of our family wasn't far behind. 806d ago. You'll sneak into their apartment when they're out at work and install spy cameras and rummage around for incriminating evidence, using the state's ever-increasing number of proclamations to catch them out. Indeed, while Beholder: Complete Edition isn't a difficult game to play as such, it can leave you at a loss as to what to do next. If you aren’t afraid of the unknown and willing to witness what lies within the darkness, try Beholder 2, perhaps you may rise to the top. Sweet Witches is a nice title that requires a little bit of thought. War is peace. The developer has brought in the left arrow buttons to flick between these elements in such situations, but there's no escaping the flakiness of the system. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, Release Dates for All Notable Upcoming Games, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. In the long run though, Beholder: Complete Edition is a bit too much like an exhausting job, a job that I wished I could quit after a while. 7. You could warn them that they're under state surveillance, or even offer to help them. Beholder DS1 Handheld Three-Axis Stabilizer Review The DS1 by Beholder is built to hold heavier cameras weighing up to three and a half pounds. Game profile of Beholder: Complete Edition (Switch eShop) first released 6th Dec 2018, developed by Warm Lamp Games and published by Curve Digital. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. For the millions that live or have lived under totalitarian regimes, I'm sure this is reality. Maybe we missed the part where it was mentioned, but we found ourselves wandering around looking for the shop that was being talked about – until we realised it was accessed from a simple menu. Well, it is now possible thanks to Beholder and its original 2D gameplay mixing management and spying mechanics with a choice-driven narrative. You are an intern at the central ministry of a totalitarian state with your whole career ahead of you. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment... Super Seducer 1 & 2 Refused By Nintendo Due To "Explicit Content", Producer "not so surprised" after third game was banned by Steam, The Longing Makes You Wait 400 Real-Life Days To See The End, Launching On Switch Today. It is a cool mixture of strategy, stealth, and adventure with a cool art style. I think it is meant to be a bittersweet experience that makes you think. based on In … Although the game doesn’t reach the greatest heights in quality it is a decent solo puzzle platformer, but in multiplayer the game is at its best. The mechanics and rhythm of play can start to take on a repetitive, monotonous note. While there is a lot to do, and it is an interesting concept, it does boil down to the same thing. That is unfortunately not the case here. And yet everyone has a smartphone, usually with location spying turned on all the time, myself included, and we use the products of corporations shaping their platform to fit some overseas political climate.For an Eastern European like me these games are wonderful, but also fill me with a sense of dread. The dire situations you are placed under with little hope attached gets exhausting and, frankly, depressing. They might even thank you for it. The Mako 16,573 views 35:32 Beholder is an interesting management sim with brilliant morally ambiguous themes taking center stage, however it suffers from imbalanced execution. Not all games are meant to represent having a happy-go-lucky time, but the experience of overcoming it should be palpable. You're granted a side-on cross-sectional view of your apartment block, though you can move into the background to interact with furniture, and zoom in and out of the action at will using ZR and the right stick. Have you ever dreamed of being a landlord in a totalitarian state, so you can spy and report everyone? Dungeons and Dragons Eye of the Beholder Review The game has a decidedly dated and awkward feel to it, though GBA owners who are also D&D fans will … While struggling to feed you own family... do yourself some favor and take it somewhere, gog, steam, humblestrore, as the dev is still trying to expand gameplay through feelings. Visually Beholder 2 is much like the first, sporting the signiture Black & White & Grey tones with big bright white eyes. For one thing, the controls can be quite fiddly. While Beholder is not necessarily a new game, originally out on January 18, it is a new game on the Nintendo Switch. Beholder's dystopian world provides a grimly satisfying management playground to work in. It's not imperative that you sell your fellow man up the river. Its opening scene sets the stage for a cinematic tragedy that springs the plot into motion. Check Out the Beholder 2 Gameplay Video: Full Review. Beholder 2. Release date: December 6, 2018; Price: $14.99. It was Carl (okay, us) who planted an apple in their cabinet before dobbing the innocent chap in. Because if we can't win being good, then it's the game's ethics wich are muddy, at least. Beholder, the narrative award-winning dark dystopian adventure is now on Nintendo Switch Have you ever dreamed of being a landlord in a totalitarian state, so you can spy and report everyone? This game just helps us learn how to do it more. Only some frustrations with the setup and controls stop this from being a great game. Fight against the State too much and Carl himself becomes a target... or he doesn't earn money - money he needs when his son gets in trouble or his daughter gets sick. Warmlamp Games’ Beholder truly stands out among late 2016’s releases. I can totally see why that might not be something that sounds like a barrel of laughs to play, although it does sound intriguing. Well, it is now possible thanks to Beholder and its original 2D gameplay mixing management and spying mechanics with a choice-driven narrative. Beholder is good, but mostly it makes me yearn for the incredible Papers, Please on Switch. Funny thing is this game is happening in real life in the US without this game even coming out. Beholder has a clever, unique concept, and explores some interesting ideas in its story, but in the Switch port of the game the controls and menus, alongside the abnormal ‘recommended’ difficulty make it more of a chore to play than previous versions. Keep in mind, though, some of the controls don’t work as intuitively as you’d expect, and some of the actions you have to do can be a bore. Which doesn't sound like a particularly thrilling video game role, we're sure you'll agree. Gameplay video of Beholder: Complete Edition on Nintendo Switch (no commentary). Have you ever dreamed of being a landlord in a totalitarian state, so you can spy and report everyone? 6 - Essentially the game, made by Warm Lamp Games, is a mix of adventure and strategy. But there's no denying the power of Beholder's setting, or the basic soundness of its core systems. Toeing the party line is always the most lucrative option, which naturally creates plenty of moral quandaries. Beholder will certainly capture your attention for quite a while with its dark premise and complex relationships. Beholder 2 is nothing if not ambitious, even from the get-go. Kingdom of Arcadia - A Pleasant Little Not-Quite-Metroidvania, Future Aero Racing S Ultra - Clever Ideas, But FAR From A New F-Zero, Stitchy in Tooki Trouble - Pretty But Painfully Average DKC-Inspired Platforming, FEZ - A Mind And World-Bending Puzzle Platformer That Deserves A Second Look, Godstrike - A Frustrating Time Mechanic Scuppers This Twin Stick Shooter. Feature: Bringing SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match Of The Millen... Join 1,142,314 people following Nintendo Life: © 2021 Nlife Media, partner of ReedPop. So, alongside repairing TV sets, introducing yourself to the new tenant in apartment 4 and making time to see to your young family's needs, you'll be spying on your neighbours and reporting on their every misdeed and foible. In this grim dystopian future, where privacy. There are consequences to your actions, too; our first run ended prematurely when we tried to do a bit of wheeling-and-dealing on the side, then attempted to deflect the blame up the ladder when it all came crashing down. The only way to progress is to dip toes into the murky grey area of the world. When I got an e-mail for Beholder, it was pitched as a totalitarian It's a handy example of Beholder's blunt, exaggerated, even darkly humorous world. While the stories are interesting, after a few times I don’t have any desire to try and experience all of them. It comes loaded with some great features designed to make shooting even the toughest action shot or film a breeze. by Mitchell Parton - December 24, 2018, 3:30 pm EST Discuss in talkback! It's impossible to see inside your neighbours' apartments without one of those aforementioned cameras (which actually behave more like overhead lamps), or by peering through individual keyholes. Beholder: Complete Edition is the kind of game that gets overshadowed by its theme and setting. It's got plenty of heart – albeit a rather scorched black one – and it forces you into making genuinely interesting moral and ethical decisions, which should be enough to see you through the tiresome grind, muddled signposting and rather flakey controls. Evan Redgrave, the distant son of a prominent Ministry official, comes to fill a post at the shadowy Ministry and discover the truth of his father’s legacy. The Art of Starting Over. It’s got a satirically political edge that borders on being gloomy, yet it’s more or less fun to play. The player will face hard choices, and will have to … I can’t question my Own ethics or moral choices if I have no choice...Be a bad guy to survive or don’t play the game... @SenseiDje I don't think it's that black and white. Beholder Review Become what you behold. In either case, prepare to be unsettled. Once the basics are understood, they're repeated ad nauseum, and while the story has some interesting elements, the monotony of the gameplay is indefensible. Mixed or average reviews I like the scripting approach, because right after the good news, something sad is going on. @SenseiDje I hadn't heard of Papers Please, might have to look it up, cheers! If the VITA can get Papers Please ported, why not the Switch? Hosted by 44 Bytes. And there are a few parts of the game that I enjoyed – including the included ‘Blissful Sleep’ DLC which brings a new protagonist and supporting characters. Often the solution is simply to wander around talking to everyone and looking for the appropriate conversation option. Beholder Review. Beholder is an interesting management sim with brilliant morally ambiguous themes taking center stage, however it suffers from imbalanced execution. There's a grim satisfaction to performing your treacherous task, interspersed by moments of profound guilt. There’s far too much of an uphill climb to finally understand and begin to enjoy Beholder. It pays off with a strategy management game that constantly makes you think about the human toll of your decisions. Beholder, the narrative award-winning dark dystopian adventure is now on Nintendo Switch Have you ever dreamed of being a landlord in a totalitarian state, so you can spy and report everyone? It comes loaded with some great features designed to make shooting even the toughest action shot or film a breeze. @SenseiDje It sounds like its a game that is all about the decisions between doing what's right and what is necessary, so giving an option to take the morally best route but still come out on top would perhaps defeat the purpose or the message. Beholder feels like the perfect game for the Nintendo Switch, of course, no disrespect to all the other consoles it is on. @MischiefMaker If this game channels even bits of sadeness/ hopelessness like Papers, please, I’M IN. While you are poised to … Warm Lamp Games has delivered an interesting premise. Don't get me wrong, I haven't played this game so I'm just going off the review, but it sounds like they are going for this whole grey area. If you can see past that, this is a fantastically-designed management-sim with layers of art and complexity. Now that would be something! Beholder 2 is a total package, both thought-provoking and utterly engaging. In Beholder … Metacritic Game Reviews, Beholder 2 for Switch, You are a newly employed department officer within the Ministry of a totalitarian State. Beholder is a fascinating take on control in a dystopian landscape. ... Beholder: Complete Edition For Switch Review - Gaming Respawn. I find it hard to be too critical of a game when it is succeeding at what it set out to do. Beholder - Блаженный сон - Обзор игр - Первый взгляд | Смертельная ошибка - Duration: 35:32. Watching the pleasant old man who gave your son an expensive book for his studies getting beaten and dragged away by the police was one such occasion. https://purenintendo.com/review-beholder-complete-edition-nintendo-switch Things tend to get mentioned in passing and then left to you to muddle through. Whenever multiple interactive elements are stacked up close together, it can be a real pain selecting the appropriate contextual prompt with the A button. There was nothing in the help files on this, either. Games like these are needed to remind people about why it's bad to allow third parties to spy on us and limit freedom of speech (or worse, enforce speech). Beholder DS1 Handheld Three-Axis Stabilizer Review The DS1 by Beholder is built to hold heavier cameras weighing up to three and a half pounds. Cosmic reviews Beholder an indie strategy stealth game developed by warm lamp games. Summary: Have you ever dreamed of being a landlord in a totalitarian state, so you can spy and report everyone? I have yet to play Papers, Please, but I am eager to pick up Beholder for Switch. Beholder 2 is a grim, disturbing depiction of life in a totalitarian state that picks up where its predecessor left off.. Beholder 2 is the sequel to 2016's title about life in a totalitarian state. Beholder delivers a tough experience from the narrative standpoint, and a challenging gameplay. Its political points are rather on the nose – corrupt state control bad, civil liberties good – but effectively delivered, nonetheless. Beholder has a clever, unique concept, and explores some interesting ideas in its story, but in the Switch port of the game the controls and menus, alongside the abnormal ‘recommended’ difficulty make it more of a chore to play than previous versions. Complete info of Beholder 2 on Nintendo Switch, release date, trailer, gameplay, critic and gamer review scores. (Game code provided by developer/publisher for review purposes. But those thanks won't reward you with the money you need to keep your son in an education, or to pay for the costly repairs from a recent terrorist (or, depending on your view, freedom fighter) attack. is it a way to win this game being only good ?or is it mandatory to make some compromission ? Rating: 9.5. Beholder: Complete Edition is a dark simulation game about spying on your neighbors. Still, after my first few hours in the game, it did feel repetitive. Yes, apples are considered illegal in this regime. It improves and builds on the ideas of its predecessor while being entirely unique. Critic Reviews It took a while for us to click with Beholder, and that's down to a couple of issues. Subscribe for more! You'll need to check in regularly with your anonymous government contact, and you'd better come running when you hear that phone ringing. Check out our review of Beholder: Complete Edition for Nintendo Fuse. Beholder: Complete Edition (Nintendo Switch) Review By Drew Hurley 10.01.2019 Beholder offers a glimpse into the potential future should the tabloids be believed, what … Have you ever dreamed of being a landlord in a totalitarian state, so you can spy and report everyone? But I'm sure there are also people in some situations where doing the absolute right thing is a dangerous option for them or their family. Beholder: Complete Edition is the kind of game that gets overshadowed by its theme and setting. Placing you in a grotesque dystopian world and casting you as a flawed cog in 'the machine' rather than a righteous saviour is a brave move for any game. Beholder: Complete Edition (including the Blissful Sleep DLC) by Warm Lamp Games is a building management game that puts you in the shoes of Carl Stein, new building manager and reluctant employee of a totalitarian government. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Beholder: Complete Edition (so-called because it includes the Blissful Sleep DLC) is all about the tough decisions, and achieving some kind of balance between making a life for yourself and retaining a shred of humanity. In this grim dystopian future, where privacy is dead and the State controls every aspect of life, will you choose to cling to your humanity or to be a ruthless landlord? Beholder 2 may sound painfully un-fun, like some sort of daily life simulator for some individuals forced to join the corporate workforce. Beholder has a clever, unique concept, and explores some interesting ideas in its story, but in the Switch port of the game the controls and menus, alongside the abnormal ‘recommended’ difficulty make it more of a chore to play than previous versions. Beholder's dystopian world provides a grimly satisfying management playground to work in. With many possible endings, there is a lot of replay value with Beholder 2, and unlike real life, you can get your do-over. Review: Beholder - Complete Edition [Nintendo Switch eShop] As always an interesting part of playing games in the indie space is the ability to try out something new and different. There’s far too much of an uphill climb to finally understand and begin to enjoy Beholder. However the settings are beautifully designed and a great amount of detail has been added all around without compromising the simple design style that we know and love. But it's surprisingly enjoyable, especially because it requires a high amount of strategic planning and cunning to conquer. It is great for picking up to play for 15-20 minutes to even bingeing the hell out of the 8-ish hours’ main story over a weekend. By James O'Connor on February 7, 2017 at 9:00AM PST Games set within countries plagued by totalitarian … What's this? Beholder: Complete Edition Developer: Warm Lamp Games Price: $14.99 Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch (reviewed), and PC MonsterVine was provided with a Switch code for review. You play as Carl, a government-sponsored head of an apartment complex who has to balance taking care of his tenants, his family, and adhering to crazier and crazier government orders. This makes the characters with German and Czech names imbued with the plot. Thanks for watching!If you'd like to see more reviews and gameplay videos by me, please subscribe! That is, until you realise that Carl is a cog in the grinding machine of a totalitarian regime, and was appointed to his new role by the state. It's got plenty of heart – albeit a rather scorched black one – and it forces you into making genuinely interesting moral and ethical decisions, which should be enough to see you through the tiresome grind, muddled signposting and rather flakey controls. Also, we found ourselves a little confused during the opening stretch of the game. Beholder - this is the game that makes you immerse yourself in this plot. Sometimes you'll be instructed directly by the state to dig up some dirt on one of those tenants, and if they're squeaky clean you might have to force the issue through murky means. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Or do you turn against the state and expose corruption. Please send all review code enquiries to editor@bonusstage.co.uk. Well, it is now possible thanks to Beholder and its original 2D gameplay mixing management and spying mechanics with a choice-driven narrative. Few will be able to power through enough to see the many endings hidden here. Game profile of Beholder: Complete Edition (Switch eShop) first released 6th Dec 2018, developed by Warm Lamp Games and published by Curve Digital. It seems promising, but it quickly becomes rather dull. Well, it is now possible thanks to Beholder and its original 2D gameplay mixing management and spying mechanics with a choice-driven narrative. Generally speaking, you're looking to tick tasks off in the right order, according to the time you've been given for each. Beholder is played from a strange 2.5D perspective, with a hyper-stylised and shadowy aesthetic. Freedom is slavery. Soapbox: 'I'll Play It On Game Pass' Is Becoming Common, But Does That Affect Switch eShop? Since it's only a video game I would have no trouble planting TWO apples on that old fart. All of the puzzle platforming comes in a visually nice … Beholder, the narrative award-winning dark dystopian adventure is now on Nintendo Switch™! News Feed Best Games New Games Upcoming Games Free Games Discover Games PC Playstation 5 Xbox Series X Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox One Android iOS Blockchain Stadia Legacy Platforms Gaming News & Blog Videos Beholder's dystopian world provides a grimly satisfying management playground to work in. Spot a neighbour doing something illegal, and a click of the right stick will commit that evidence to the records, ready to be written up and reported. Beholder: Complete Edition is the kind of game that gets overshadowed by its theme and setting. Review: Beholder - Complete Edition [Nintendo Switch eShop] As always an interesting part of playing games in the indie space is the ability to try out something new and different. While there is a lot to do, and it is an interesting concept, it does boil down to the same thing. Work your way up the ladder by scheming against employees, spying on your boss, and completing paperwork. Feature: Best Nintendo Switch Metroidvania Games. @The_Pixel_King Amen to that. Beholder Review Still, after my first few hours in the game, it did feel repetitive. Well, it is now possible thanks to Beholder and its original 2D gameplay mixing management and spying mechanics with a choice-driven narrative. 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